Aesop's Fable of Terrell Owens and the Philadelphia Eagles
Once a kindly man -- but an ambitious one, too -- found a snake all alone in the forest and without a hole to call home.
"Come on down to Philly, my man, and we'll treat you right," he said, thinking about how he could make a lot of loot showing off this really flashy-looking snake.
Oh it was a bee-you-tee-full snake, all multi-colored and able to twist and turn and do all sorts of flexible tricks. It had fantastic markings and a quick strike, and a very powerful neurotoxic venom.
So the man gave the snake a home in the City of Brotherly Love and gave him lots and lots of food and furs and finery, and as soon as the snake breathed a sigh of relief and felt safe and comfy, he turned and bit the man and as many of his friends as he could find.
As the man lay there dying from the venom, he turned to the snake and said, "Why? How could you do that?"
And the snake said, "Don't act like a fool, fool -- you knew I was a snake when you took me in."
-- Well, that, of course, was a fantasy, a fable, but it suggests there's a very good reason why people -- including free-pass athletes -- should read the classics, if only the easier ones, when in school.
In real life, Terrell Owens didn't have the enough backbone to stand up and and say the same about himself:
"Hey man -- I'm a selfish inconsiderate prick who'll destroy you all if you don't kiss my ass."
Instead he did a song-and-grovel that no one believed, having heard it/seen it all before.
Some people of extraordinary talent destroy themselves with alcohol, some with drugs.
And then there are always some who do it by never figuring out that by the time they turn 30, people won't keep on overlooking their spitting and kicking and biting and throwing mean little baby tantrums the way mommy and her friends did, just because they're cute and turn tricks.