Student arrested, charged with disorderly conduct after offensive question...Coulter said she supported the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman on the basis that a good woman civilizes and inspires a man to strive for something better, leading to a question that was met with a stunned silence.
"You say that you believe in the sanctity of marriage," said Ajai Raj, an English sophomore. "How do you feel about marriages where the man does nothing but fuck his wife up the ass?"
UT Police officers approached Raj to arrest him, resulting in a mass exodus of protesters chanting, "Let him go."
-- Actually, that's an interesting question, long as people are deciding who gets to define what marriage is and isn't. Well, ok, it's smartass -- but GOOD smartass, clever.
However -- ahhh, Ajai is a raghead and it's still Texas -- even in Austin.
Charlie Whitman in the Texas tower -- ok. Dead, but ok.
Ajai Raj giving a skinny blonde woman who was paid $30,000 to talk her form of trash -- out the door and a bit of a thrash ing from the good UT security staff. (You'd think for $30,00 an evening, she should be able to hold her own in a trash-talk.)