Bush claims executive privilege on Tillman
WASHINGTON, July 13 (UPI) — A House committee will hold further hearings into the 2004 friendly-fire death of Army Ranger Pat Tillman in Afghanistan...
...U.S. officials initially said Tillman died in a firefight with the enemy, but later conceded he was killed by his own men.
Waxman and Ranking Member Tom Davis, R-Va., sent a letter to the White House Friday objecting to the withholding of documents the committee requested after the April hearing.
The White House in June invoked executive privilege in notifying Waxman and Davis it was withholding some documents.
The main focus of the committee's investigation is to examine what the White House and the leadership of the Department of Defense knew about Cpl. Tillman's death and when they knew it,
Waxman and Davis wrote. Unfortunately, the document production from the White House sheds virtually no light on these matters.
How many people thought I was insane when I said "When the facts are all known -- if ever -- you're going to find out those other men in the platoon, the ones who shot him -- you'll find out it wasn't accidental -- it was intentional."
Maybe I was -- and am -- insane. Doesn't mean I'm dumb. All that invoking Executive Privilege does is add credibility to my speculative opinion.
"Some call it mental illness.
I call it mental adventures."
Fengtze Yah
"War: first, one hopes to win;
then one expects the enemy to lose;
then one is satisfied that he too is suffering;
in the end, one is surprised that everyone has lost."
Karl Kraus 1874-1936