Am I the only one who, regarding Trump et al, is just TIRED of it all
- The Trump presidency
is like a TV show that hits its 5th season and has to promote
itself to hold onto viewers with ads that say: The Last
And during that
interminable season has to keep the viewers with:
"Only 5 more episodes!"
"Only 2 more episodes until the ending you won't believe!!"
And oh god I am now wishing for the ending I will or won't
believe and just don't give a fuck about at all...doesn't matter
if it's indictment, impeachment, or Ivanka stabbing him to death
as recovered memories overwhelm her and ...
Oh Trump's last remaining lawyer,Ty Cobb, just quit (I always
thought if he were as much a racist, anti-semitic, hateful
gynophobic sonofabitch as his famous baseball forebear, then
that made him perfect for Trump's inner circle.)
I hit the wall today when the tv news turned to Trump
introducing the ceremony at Pompeo's confirmation and saying
"This man is a great patriot..." and all alone in my front
room, I actually spoke out loud: "Yeah, like you'd know what that
And as I see TV journalists still hoping that this giant orange
tarantula will do the right thing about anything, I am once
again reminded of the Joe Landsale quote that closed one Hap and
Leonard story:
"Hate makes you blind.
Love makes you free.
Hope breaks your heart."
Right now the best wow finish I can imagine to this endless
tour thru the tackiest levels of hell would be for him and Kim
to meet where they said they might, in the DMZ, to shake hands
and agree with each other ("We're both insane megalomaniacal
assholes so we should be allies.") and take a walk after or
before the signing of something or other, and both step on one
of the thousands if mines still there, and with the cameras (of
course) still running, we could see the pieces of each blown sky
high, rising up like our hopes, and falling down to ground like
a gift to Demeter to fertilize the earth for new crops to grow
where the venomous monsters fell -- and FINALLY -- give us
some entertainment we can applaud.
Just tired of it and him and his plundering bedbug Cabinet
Secretaries and his dimwit Press Person Sarah Huckster (to whom
Michelle Wolff was exceedingly more kind than she deserved) and
especially tired of waking up everyday hating the president and
the granddaughter of a Murder Inc monster the other mafioso
called "The Brute," KelleyAnne Conjob, and the Jewish Nazi
Steven Miller (how silly and dimwitted of PC TV journalists who
say "I can't call him a nazi because he's Jewish." No swastika,
but hell, there's Netanyahu squirting out his entitled venom just like the Obersturmfueher he emulates, spitting venom at
us because we finally realize HE has abused and destroyed the
primacy we have given to Israel and done something no one
figured could be done after WWII -- resurrect worldwide antisemitism based on
people looking at him and thinking "That's what a Jew is."
And realizing that life is too short to spend any more of it
paying any attention to this .... this THING that has enraptured
the worst of all possible Americans.
There are real heroes to think about -- the sort of humans who
inspire us to become more than we were -- John Newton who wrote
Amazing Grace, Smedley Butler who Wrote War is a
Racket, Daniel Ellsberg who published the Pentagon papers,
Nathaniel Greene, Rhode Island Quaker who won the Revolutionary
War for George Washington, leading the Southern Campaign until
he forced Cornwallis to give it up at Yorktown, Martin Luther
King Jr who showed the world that Ghandi had it right, and a
whole lot more... Welfare workers who risk imprisonment by
getting part-time apprenticeships in places like auto repair shops and plumbing businesses (which can always use extra help) so their people can learn and earn enough in transition to provide food and shelter for their families instead of
being cut off without any way to make a living. Schoolteachers
who stick with it. There are a lot of people with values and
sincerity and good intentions.
not just a boy's club, this place of heroes, how about Mother Teresa,
the Albanian nun from Kosovo who, when everyone had fled Beirut because
it had come to snipers shooting people going to the corner store for
milk, drove a large van into the center of town, to an orphanage which
had been abandoned with dozens of small children still in it, all facing
starvation, drove right to the front door and led and carried all the
children out to the van and took them to a safer place. Or Sister Ann Lee
who founder the religious group known as the Shakers, the only religious founder I know of who KNEW from the beginning, that religions become uptight, rusty, rigid, staid and so included dancing and "shaking" to keep remind all that moving and staying open and flexible were important values. And it was the Shaker Community in Maine which produced the song Simple Gifts* written by Elder Joseph, a song that has offered clarity and centering since 1848.
. Or Clara Barton or Rosa Parks, or Harriet Tubman or Odette Hallowes or Violette Szabo, Emmeline Pankhurst, or, for that matter, Frida Kahlo and Josephine Baker.
People with sincere values and good intentions and a lot of courage to do what they know is right, because some people -- like the
Resident of the United States who has none of those values, principles or ethics -- those people always feel they must attack those who follow an unselfish vision. -
And as for demons and monsters -- there are a whole lot of them
in history who were better at it than Trump, like John Wilmot,
2d Earl of Rochester who -- unlike Trump -- took full personal
responsibility for his crimes and was aware of the cost of that ("Any man who calls things by their rightful name will surely be hanged.")...or the mythical and famous Sam
Hall who stood on the gallows with a rope around his neck and
told those assembled that he hatred them one and all and see
them all in Hell, because to be a monster ALSO takes some
Trump -- just second rate -- a low class rich kid 71-year-old
spoiled brat -- he's got the venality and the vicious racism and the gynophobic terror of women -- but he's still just a cheap imitation of a bad man. The kind that
might be featured a second rate local drama like the 50's- 60;s
one in Philly, filmed in the WCAU parking lot, "Action in the
In short -- boring, too stupid too even pretend he'll ever be
anything but a waste of time.
And yeah, he's president but that's only important for what that
tells us about our country and our election process and the
horrible human ability to forget everything of value when
someone pushes the 'WHO SHOULD I HATE" button.
And it is to our shame that we even try to pretend he might have
any character values worth knowing. Michelle Wolff was right --
the only real way to insult him is the way she did -- attack his
only character value, i.e., that he doesn't have the money he
says, which is why he won't show his tax returns, because being
richer than other people is the ONLY thing that's important to
him, and serves as a substitute for having principles or ethics. - And not just a boy's club, this place of heroes, how about Mother Teresa, the Albanian nun from Kosovo who, when everyone had fled Beirut because it had come to snipers shooting people going to the corner store for milk, drove a large van into the center of town, to an orphanage which had been abandoned with dozens of small children still in it, all facing starvation, drove right to the front door and led and carried all the children out to the van and took them to a safer place. Or Sister Ann Lee who founder the religious group known as the Shakers, and which community produced the song Simple Gifts* written in the Shaker community in Maine by Elder Joseph, a song that has offered clarity and centering since 1848.
So fuck him and all the horse's asses he rode in on. None of them worth pissing on.**
- *Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come 'round right.
--- a note, these lyrics seemed -- at the time -- to be expressly written asa universal tool for people taking acid, back in the days when people took acid "to get straight" (i.e., "to come down where we ought to be.") and before taking acid was spoken of as a way "to get fucked up," which was a disturbing linguistic shift and proved that Sister Lee knew whereof she spoke, about what can happen to visionary movements.
And my thanks to Shelley Singer for reminding me that there might be a lot of people who feel the same way, and that this should be available to to them, and at the very least, I think, people who know Michelle Wolff was right... nervous, but as they say "Speak the truth even in your voice trembles." So despite my fears of repeated hacking by assholes with opposable thumbs-- thanks Shelley.