

How smart/clever is Kim Yung'un? Don't let the bad haircut fool us.

First -- pretty much most, if not all, world leaders know how to handle Trump -- blow some smoke up his ass...tell him 
"Oh you're so pretty!"
"Oh, your hands are so BIG!"
"Oh, we want to throw a party/parade in your honor."
"Oh you're so tough."

Yeah -- but Li'l Kim is going farther, pulling off the hat trick PLUS --
and we can expect Donnie to roll over like a puppy and widdle all over himself, the way he does with Putin.
Hat trick is 3 quick wins -- in hockey or soccer it's 3 goals in one game. 

Mr. Kim has got that and more:

1. He started with "You're so strong!!"  (Oh you scared me so much I had to build nuclear weapons and ICBMs.)
2  He went on to gush: "Oh you're so kind -- you're willing to meet me and treat me as a head of state!"
3. He went on to say "Whatever you want to do on our date" (Get rid of MY nukes? Sure.")
4 -- the PLUS -- Go beyond the ass kissing -- Give Trump a WIN even before the meeting:
"I'll release those prisoners right now and send them home so you can brag about it
and give your poll numbers a boost at home and good election fodder for the fall."
5. And when they meet, maybe a little bit of one-up: 

"You know, I get to kill people who disrespect me. Can you do that, too?"

In a system where you have to kill off your family members to secure your place as the head of state, Kim knows Realpolitik.
Trump? He couldn't last 10 minutes leading a street gang unless he had money and lawyers doing it for him.

Kim knows how to do what Trump does -- say anything -- whatever works in the moment, and which most world leaders, who know their word counts for something, don't do. (Unless they're able to kill anyone who disrespects them, like Kim or Putin.)

Kim seems to know Trump's number as well as Putin does.
Even more, because he doesn't LOOK tough.
But we can expect to see Kim wave goodbye after their meeting with Trump's lunch money in his pocket, after he promises to do a whole lot of stuff.

We know that Trump is an asshole, a sadistic prick, a pissant know-it-all. We also know he's a fool. So does Kim

But Trump's not the usual kind of movie fool that ends up winning it all. He's more like Charlie Chaplin's Adenoid Hynckel in The Great Dictator.
(Even to doing a sort of scary replication of Hynckel's game with the globe of the world, when in Arabia and they all photo-op'd putting their hands onto the lighted world globe which said it clearly: "This is ours and we own it all.")

A mean-spirited, self-indulgent, greedy greedy greedy fool -- never enough to fill the hole in his soul, altho Trump is a good model for atheists and others who say "There is no such thing as a soul."

People keep saying that we have to hope he's successful because it's our country,

and America's success depends on Trump's success.
Bullshit. KelleyAnne Conway Alternative Truth.
Only in Trump's
tiny l'etat c'est moi brain, does his success equal America's. 

Trump's failure will be America's success.

Trump's successes destroy our society --- destroy environmental protections, kill consumer protections, overthrow voting and civil rights protections, appoint federal judges who the ABA say are as unqualified as Jared bringing peace to the Middle East (even while Trump is scheming with Baby Nothing Yahoo to set up a war with Iran...)

And the people who are around him are afraid to criticize him, not only for their own jobs,
 but because they've seen him overreact to criticism over and over again, going into his fugue state -- insane totentanz with monomaniacally obsessive attacks on that tar baby who refuses to answer him because it's trying to bring him down.

He'll give away the store to that cute little Korean monster, because Kim knows how to play the monster game, and Trump only knows how to hire people who might know how to do it.

Kim will set him up.

(And, meanwhile, in another part of town, Smokey Daniels and her lawyer will bring him down, spank him on the ass with his photo-on-the-cover "grab 'em by the pussy" mental disability.)

And that WILL make America great again.


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