

Worth Repeating

This from Bad Attitudes:

From the home page of William Blum, author of Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II...

Yet, despite the fact that it would be difficult to name a single area of Iraqi life which has improved as a result of the American actions, when the subject is Iraq and the person I’m having a discussion with has no other argument left to defend US policy there, at least at the moment, I may be asked:

“Just tell me one thing, are you glad that Saddam Hussein is out of power?”

And I say: “No”.

And the person says: “No?”

And I say: “No. Tell me, if you went into surgery to correct a knee problem and the surgeon mistakenly amputated your entire leg, what would you think if someone then asked you: Are you glad that you no longer have a knee problem? The people of Iraq no longer have a Saddam problem.”


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