

Sarah Palin is the GOP's Dream Girl -- the new Doris Day

She fills that myth that everyone in that party has been worshipped for so long -- even the Log Cabin Republicans -- or so it seemed during an interview with their leader, who said, among other things, that he agreed with most of the Republican agenda, even though he had a difference of opinion about SOME THINGS -- like the fact that THE BASE would just as soon shoot him and all his friends -- or at least send them all to Coventry.

BUT -- Sarah Palin is being displayed as Doris Day re-emergent, although from what is beginning to be heard from Alaska, the resemblance is more than casual, i.e., that Ms Day's public image didn't match her private life.

In Ms Day's instance, while she was singing so sweetly and then later running around being a virgin in a girdle with Cary Grant, she was fucking every horn player who stood still long enough -- and who WAS long enough -- to meet her approval.

In Mrs. Palin's situation, we've already learned that no one in Alaska can actually name ANYONE who was called about her during the vetting process, and that while she has done many of the admirable things so carefully mentioned OVER AND OVER AND OVER again in GOP talking points, there's more to her nickname as barracuda than has yet been discussed, flashes of which were seen when the press has the TEMERITY to ask her about her qualifications, her record, her affilitations and all the other things the public would like to know about the young woman who will be backup to a cranky old 72-year-old fart who's been through 3 bouts with cancer.


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