

Why is it a surprise that Kim Young'un is backing off of meeting Trump

It's not as if no one knew that John Bolton's only talent was pissing off pretty much everyone with his rabid right wing "kill 'em all and let God sort it out" political view of the world.

So when Bolton is running around, even moderated from his insane advocacy of doing a pre-emptive strike on North Korea, openly stating that we need to do to North Korea what we did to Libya, got Khadafi to give up all his nuclear stuff... and then we killed him.

Even someone as dumb as President Trump might make the connection: "if they did it to him... are they planning to do it to me?"

I mean getting nuclear weapons if part of the sick insanity that our leader and so many others seem to have: "Mommy, he scares me -- please can we kill him?"

No way anyone with a functioning brain couldn't see what Kim Young'un saw -- that we (all the white guys) hated him and the Family Business Political Structure of North Korea that it was only a matter of time until our own bullshit hit the fan.

I'm not saying that he might have been a real threat. He certainly played it for that. You don't say you have nuclear weapons AND missiles that can hit America unless you want to make someone nervous.

But the art of the deal doesn't mean you can actually pull off:
"You give up everything and I give you nothing but a handshake."
(And one of those creepy ones that Trump does to make himself feel tough.)

I've said many times, that in the area of intelligence and toughness, Trump couldn't run a street gang of the kind that were around in the 50's in Philly, where I grew up.
He's not smart enough, not tough enough, not aware enough of other people's points of view to get and keep their loyalty.
Jeezus -- he's got the power of the presidency and he can't even keep his own employees loyal enough to go along with his insane overwhelming neediness.

Like an old Johnny Carson bit:
"How needy IS the president, Johnny?"
"He's so needy he makes Liza Minelli look like Lee Marvin."
"Are you dissing Liza Minelli?"
"NO! She gives everyone in the audience something wonderful before feeding her need for approval. Trump demands approval just because he thinks he's wonderful."


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