

What's thepoint of #metoo if pissants like the president reinforces the standard of disrespect?

While it is certainly unpleasant for a women to have some guy grab her butt (or pussy) without her permission, it's not as rude and insulting as telling EVERY woman in America that not only will her government deny her the legal procedure of abortion if it becomes necessary, but refuse to allow any organization which receives government funding to even mention it as an option, let alone refer her to another organization which is allowed to offer the option.

And let's get this straight right away -- this isn't about abortion -- this is about the right of some male asshole to tell all women "Do this" "Don't do that" "Do what I'm telling you or I'll punish you, because I'm the law and what I say goes and what you think doesn't matter." 
Same thing it's always been about. With an ugly bit of "I hate mommy" in it.

And to have this reinforced example of disrespect announced by a lowlife like Donald Trump, who hasn't even got the intelligence to be able to mansplain the reason for it, is just appalling.

We all know that the people who think this is a good thing to do -- deny women some of their legal rights -- also are anti-birth control, and will eliminate those options from any organization which receives some government funding as soon as they can get away from it. Just keep those ladies barefoot and pregnant, and most of all, silent.

But it's ok for those Fantasy Factories that call themselves religion to get govt money (despite the constitution) so they can spread their authoritarian bullshit with impunity.

Ahh, perhaps Trump and his arrogant rich kids are bad enough (they're certainly dumb enough) to exacerbate the circumstances so far it triggers an end to any tolerance for their insanely cruel dictatorial dimwittedness and with that we will no longer have to hear the whining of the ruling class "But you don't have any tolerance for OUR ideas!"

Why the hell should we? Their ideas are all cruel and mean and the product of their fears -- men too weak and too selfish to allow women to live their own lives.

There's a difference in the very nature of things between ideas that add possibilities to peoples' lives and idiocies that  only take things away from peoples' lives.

Oooops, except they do add to rich people's lives, with tax cuts.
And ok, the other side -- my side -- does take away things like the ability to poison our water, our air, and out electoral process with impunity.

The only thing that's hard to understand is why we need to keep pretending the Trump-esque world is anything but the fantasy of a mean little 9-year-old spoiled brat rich boy's fantasy of being King of the World.


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