Do you find it curious and disturbing that this news item should have only 1 listing in the first 50 listings on Google?
I do.

GAUHATI, India: Heavy monsoon rains and floods have killed at least 178 people and displaced another 19 million across Bangladesh and much of northern India, officials said Friday...
In 5 years of terror, chaos, and violent anarchy in Iraq, nearly one million people have been displaced from their homes (2 million have left the country).
This is 19 MILLION PEOPLE made homeless in one week.
500 villages under water.
And it doesn't appear on any TV newscast.
And it doesn't appear in any American newspaper.
That's everyone in New York City (all 5 boroughs) and a little more than half the entire population of New England from Bridgeport, Connecticut to Madawaska, Maine .
But hey, I guess I'm being weird to expect more when Lindsay Lohan got caught with coke in her pants and is being sued in small claims court by the woman whose car she hit back in April (FIRST listing on Google).

Heavy monsoon floods displace 19
million people, kill 178 in India and
The Associated Press Published: August 2, 2007GAUHATI, India: Heavy monsoon rains and floods have killed at least 178 people and displaced another 19 million across Bangladesh and much of northern India, officials said Friday...
With rivers bursting their banks along the fertile plains south of the Himalayas, India ordered the army to help evacuate people from some of the worst-hit areas. Soldiers began Friday to evacuate people from some 500 villages under water in Uttar Pradesh, State Relief Commissioner Umesh Sinha said.
Some 14 million people in India and 5 million in Bangladesh have been displaced or marooned by the flooding, according to government figures. At least 132 people have died in recent days because of the floods in India and 46 more in Bangladesh...
********************19 MILLION PEOPLE?!
In 5 years of terror, chaos, and violent anarchy in Iraq, nearly one million people have been displaced from their homes (2 million have left the country).
This is 19 MILLION PEOPLE made homeless in one week.
500 villages under water.
And it doesn't appear on any TV newscast.
And it doesn't appear in any American newspaper.
That's everyone in New York City (all 5 boroughs) and a little more than half the entire population of New England from Bridgeport, Connecticut to Madawaska, Maine .
But hey, I guess I'm being weird to expect more when Lindsay Lohan got caught with coke in her pants and is being sued in small claims court by the woman whose car she hit back in April (FIRST listing on Google).