U.S. and Israelis Are Said to Talk of Hamas Ouster
JERUSALEM, Feb. 13 — The United States and Israel are discussing ways to destabilize the Palestinian government so that newly elected Hamas officials will fail and elections will be called again, according to Israeli officials and Western diplomats.
The intention is to starve the Palestinian Authority of money and international connections to the point where, some months from now, its president, Mahmoud Abbas, is compelled to call a new election. The hope is that Palestinians will be so unhappy with life under Hamas that they will return to office a reformed and chastened Fatah movement...
I thought the Palestinians got to vote on the government THEY wanted?
So when the Ayrabs and the rest of the dark-skinned world sneer and spit at the US's talk of DEMOCRACY, guess what?
They're telling us something we need to know.
Gunboat Diplomacy -- same as it ever was.
Except our empire is over, and this is all about denying it, kicking and biting and throwing a tantrum and hitting mommy and screaming in the supermarket --
Well, as the song goes, "YOU CAN'T HAVE IT," so grow up and get over it.
The poorest of us (in the USA) are so fucking rich compared to people all over the world, but we want more more MORE MORE MORE MORE...
And the richest of us are the worst.
and you know what, kids? THIS KING GEORGE is just as fucking crazy as George the Third was, ranting raving and without a clue. Link