

Drinking at Brennan's in Berkeley some months ago, solving the world's problems, my friend Dick summed up the remaining optimistic hope, regarding GW Bush as president for a second term, in the term used by Leon Trotsky, that in order to bring about great change the first step was:

"Exacerbate the circumstances."**

Since we drank there repeatedly, the thought came up more than once.

The other morning, watching CSPAN Washington Journal, it was becoming obvious that the American public had had it with MonkeyBoy and their primary concerns were Health Care, Education, Social Programs, Immigration... in other words, the mind set seemed to have shifted from Pie-in-the-sky and Terror-in-the-sky to living lives and having an equitable society.

In other words, Monkey Boy and his band of thieves and killers had exacerbated the kiving bejesus out of the circumstances.


Always happy to consider dark conspiracies, here was the way my thoughts went:

The exacerbation is actually seeming to work.

That was Trotsky's preferred method -- "endless revolution" not exactly Thomas Jefferson's dream of intermittent revolution as necessary, but a damn sight closer than the status quo cast-in-concrete so beloved by those temporarily on top.

So -- here's the way it goes ---

The Neocons made up what passed for reality in this piss-on-the-public and plunder administration.

The Neocons were all Trotskyites* a while ago, before their alleged conversion to extremist right wing theoretical insanity, politely referred to as "Conservative."

And now the Trotskyite agenda is being fulfilled.


Are we seeing the result of Stealth Trots?

Is Bush socializing America to get back at his dad?

Or does he even understand what's happening?

The Trotskyite plan would reduce American hegemony in the world, free us to be able to be just another country without having to boss the world around, destroying so-called Free-market Capitalism and moving us much closer to nationalizing oil and other natural resources.

Make us part of the New World Order.

Even if their conversion was honest and sincere, the process is well known to academic types such as they:

Thesis -- Antithesis -- Synthesis

or --

Trotskyites -- Neocons -- Autocratic Anarchy

(but always with some know-it-all in charge in a dictatorial way, trying to control it all, first one way, then another)

**Not original to him, nor even to Jack London who used it earlier.

* Actually, this particular bunch of miscreants were not exactly Trots .. the people who made them Neocons, like Leo Strauss, had been Trots prior to becoming fascists, mostly because Stalin awas proving more and more anti-semitic and their primary concern for the existence of israel, also preceiving the Left to be largely anti-Zionist, moved them over to becoming Bill of Rights Shredders and literal Fascists -- i.e., people who advocate an authoritarian government that is a fusion of state and corporation. People who want to rule the world ALWAYS have a good excuse why they need to have all the power and YOU (and I) need to SHUT UP or be PUNISHED. And, in the words of an old German philosopher:

"Distrust all in whom
the impulse to punish is powerful."

Friedrich Nietzche, Thus Spake Zarathustra

NB: Actually, this particular bunch of miscreants were not exactly Trots .. the people who made them Neocons, like Leo Strauss, had been Trots prior to becoming fascists, mostly because Stalin awas proving more and more anti-semitic and their primary concern for the existence of israel, also preceiving the Left to be largely anti-Zionist, moved them over to becoming Bill of Rights Shredders and literal Fascists -- i.e., people who advocate an authoritarian government that is a fusion of state and corporation. People who want to rule the world ALWAYS have a good excuse why they need to have all the power and YOU (and I) need to SHUT UP or be PUNISHED. And, in the words of an old German philosopher:

"Distrust all in whom
the impulse to punish is powerful."

Friedrich Nietzche, Thus Spake Zarathustra


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