

May 19,2006 | WASHINGTON -- The government has no plans to move at least half of the 10,000 emergency housing trailers sitting empty in Hope, Ark., saying they may be needed for the 2006 hurricane season.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency detailed its plan to keep the trailers at the Hope municipal airport in a letter to Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., who had asked that some of the trailers be used for American Indian housing.

The letter did not mention Johnson's request, but FEMA spokesman Aaron Walker said Friday that federal law says the trailers must be used for disaster victims.


Hey Tim -- tell 'em about the Trail of Tears.

Tell 'em about the Black Hills and the Deadwood Gold Rush.

If Native Americans aren't disaster victims, who is?

Problem is, it's the White Euro-Americans who ARE the disaster.

Tell 'em to look in the mirror, Tim.

Tell 'em the story of the Dog in the Manger.


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